Thursday, October 1, 2009


Welcome to any readers that happen to stumble onto my blog! I wanted to do a rave today about HOPE.
Basically it is under-rated!
The team at Insight counselling met the other day and we talked about the importance of hope for every living soul.
Even the seeds of hope can make such a difference to anyone despairing of change, caught in addictions, facing any difficult circumstances.
So much in this life is outside of our control and life doesn't always deal us the hand that we would have liked.
We might even shout, "I don't want this hand! I pass!"
...then from some hidden place a seed of hope makes itself known...and we draw strength from that.
There are times when we need some-one else to hold the hope for us when we can't find any and there are times when we hold the hope for others and say simply, "I am here with you."

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