Monday, October 12, 2009

Insight Into Fear

I decided for myself earlier this year that I would no longer lead a fear-based life with all of the constraints and limits that a life of fear dictates.
Fearful thoughts can make the difference between tormented days and peaceful ones.
This is not new news.
Our moods are very much directly linked to the way we think about things.
The fearful "what if's" of life can take us over so easily if we allow them to.
What I have discovered for myself is that often fear-based thoughts are about things that are beyond our own control.
Really all we can do is to radically accept this fact, hand those things over to the kindness and Grace of God and start taking full responsibility for ourselves rather than waiting for others to meet our needs.
That is not to say that we don't get needs met in community, from others...but the responsibility never belongs to another human is up to each of us to get out of the victim mentality where others are constantly to blame for our unhappiness.
As I have made this decision for myself I have come up with a motto for the year.
My new motto is "jump".
As I have jumped into new things e. g. deciding to go to Europe, new and exciting worlds have opened up to me.
'Jumping' can feel like a risk.
It may involve making a phone-call that is scary for you or joining a new group.
None of us can complain that our worlds are small and restricted, none of us can blame another person for that...even if we have been hurt by others in the past.
A friend of mine jumps by attending his Chemo dressed as a cowboy or pirate and cheers up many as he does so.
Difficult circumstances don't dictate whether we choose to be free on the inside.
I choose freedom.
You can too.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Welcome to any readers that happen to stumble onto my blog! I wanted to do a rave today about HOPE.
Basically it is under-rated!
The team at Insight counselling met the other day and we talked about the importance of hope for every living soul.
Even the seeds of hope can make such a difference to anyone despairing of change, caught in addictions, facing any difficult circumstances.
So much in this life is outside of our control and life doesn't always deal us the hand that we would have liked.
We might even shout, "I don't want this hand! I pass!"
...then from some hidden place a seed of hope makes itself known...and we draw strength from that.
There are times when we need some-one else to hold the hope for us when we can't find any and there are times when we hold the hope for others and say simply, "I am here with you."